Create your personal assistant with AI: how to simply start to use GPTs ! StoH# 30

Hello !

I hope you had a lovely summer. I could take much time off, and now I am back full of ideas and projects 💪. Today I will show you how to quickly start or continue your journey with generative AI by creating your GPTs.

Understanding and utilizing generative AI can significantly enhance your productivity, creativity, and problem-solving capabilities. Unfortunately, many people are still intimidated by the complexity of AI or don't know where to start, leading to missed opportunities.

So for today :

  • Clear understanding of what GPTs are
  • Step-by-step guidance on creating your own GPTs
  • Practical tips and examples from my own experience
""Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young”
Henry Ford

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✏ Definition GPTs

A GPT, or Generative Pre-trained Transformer, is an AI capable of understanding and generating text. Unlike a simple AI task like answering questions or summarizing a concept, a GPT can perform a series of tasks by understanding your thinking process.

OpenAI launched GPT Store, similar to the Apple Store, where you can download or use top-rated GPTs from around the world.

For example, Planty help you with your garden (really usefull for me lately).

Each GPT can be fine-tuned or tailored for specific tasks or domains. For example, one GPT might be optimized for writing creative content, another for providing technical support, and another for personal coaching.

✏ GPTs vs Prompt

A prompt (the question or task you ask in your LLM - ChatGPT, for example) is like a single tool—useful but limited to just one function.

Think of a GPT as a complete toolset, equipped with everything you need for various tasks, each tool having a specific purpose.

✏ Why creating your own GPT?

It is like creating your personal assistant with AI.

Creating your own GPT allows you to maintain control and confidentiality over your data (the data are not used to train the model).

You can also tailor AI responses to match your style, and automate repetitive tasks as you don't need each time to enter many prompts and explaination.

"In the end, AI’s role is to support us in achieving our highest potential." Melinda Gates

✏ Why most people do not start

As solopreneur (aka a solo business), I had to leverage AI to improve my efficiency and margin (if you are curious about my experience, I shared that in a previous newsletter) .

Many of my coachees and students feel it's too late to start, fear the technology is moving too fast, or believe they don't have the time to learn.

But remember :

"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change."
Charles Darwin

The ability to work alongside AI and integrate it into business processes will differentiate successful employees.


So here is how I coach my teams (in innovation, strategy or access lately) to to start using GPTs.

✏ Leverage Your Human Skills

Generative AI is not just a technology; it's a way of solving problems more effectively. So most of us have the right human skills to thrive with AI (but we don't see that 😅)

  • Context and expectations: Clearly explain your objectives and the desired format to the AI. The clearer your instructions, the better the AI can deliver what you need. Like a trainee.
  • Clarity of thinking: Break down tasks into manageable steps. This helps the AI follow your logic and achieve the results you’re aiming for. Like teaching or mentoring a junior colleague.
  • Patience and feedback: Be patient and willing to iterate on your requests. Provide precise, actionable feedback to guide the AI toward the desired outcome. Like when you onboard a new team member.

✏ Examples of my GPTs

I have today 12 GPTs. Here are some of my favorites.

Creating content on innovation and business models in healthcare for my online academy .

Performing technology and startups benchmark on various healthcare topics when I am jury or funding advisor for the Swiss governement.

✏ How to create a GPT

Name Your GPT: a clear and memorable name that reflects its purpose.

Describe Your GPT: Provide a description that outlines what your GPT is designed to do.

Set Instructions for the Chatbot: Write a prompt that defines the role and behavior of your GPT. This step is crucial—take your time to refine it.

Conversation Starters: Customize the opening phrases that your GPT will use to start interactions.

Feed Your GPT Knowledge: Add documents or resources to give your GPT the information it needs to minimize errors. For instance, I’ve provided previous newslelter to my GPT helping me to write content.

Save and Share: Once your GPT is ready, you can 1. keep it for personal use, 2. share it with anyone who has the link. 3. share it publicly for anyone to access.

✏ Store your GPTs instruction and use it weekly

It’s a good idea to save a copy of your GPTs instruction in a separate document (like in Word, OneNote, or Notion) as a backup—just in case.

And use your GPTs!! Weekly.

Don’t be afraid to edit as needed—I often tweak mine up to 50 times when I first create them. Yes, it takes time, but once you’re satisfied, you’ll save so much more time in the long run.

That is for today, I hope you like this edition. Let me know!

See you in two weeks. Keep the spark alive!

Did you like this edition ? Do you have questions? I respond to every person who writes to me!

Spark to Hack ✧

Hi, I'm Aurélie, a professional coach and facilitator, specialized in innovation in healthcare and sustainability. I enable team and organization leaders in healthcare to increase the speed between an ideas discovery and significant investments. I bring creativity and disciplined methods with contagious energy and a smile as well as a team and system coaching approach. I have a No BlaBla, No Bulshit, and no Blingbling values. I am a entrepreneur / working Mum aware that I only have one life, so I want to make the most of it!

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