My secret recipe to start the year with more energy and focus. StoH# 22

Hello !

January is almost over (already, 😱). As the year starts, I love to take the time to reflect and improve how I manage my energy and focus. The more I progress on my entrepreneur journey + working mum, the more this work becomes critical to my happiness and success.

Here, I want to share the tips I have built as habits over the years and show you how you can use them.

What's new for me? : After 2 weeks off, the past weeks have been quite busy with starting a new team business coaching post a Hackathon (to ensure something happens 😉) and training the open innovation program managers for the Swiss national innovation office (Innosuisse).

"Be happy with what you have while working for what you want"
Ellen Keller, author and educator, blind and deaf.

Get comfortable for your 5 minutes of sparks to hack.

✨ Spark

✏ Stopping the hamster wheel?

What I want to avoid the most today is being in the hamster wheel like the one below (does it sound familiar?)

I must admit I left a corporate job to get more control over my energy, time, and purpose.

✏ Focus your intention

If you get the right intention in what you do daily, with a clear focus, your chances to get where you want are higher.

Your focus is your reality.
Naval Ravikant, entrepreneur and philosopher.

In moments of challenging decision-making,
As I organize my weekly agenda,
When I coach my clients,

A quick look at my right wrist anchors me.

I wear it on my wrist to ensure my intention is always visible.

This ritual has been a part of my journey for many years.

This year, I choose STARR (I'll explain how in the Hack section below)

S : systems: I want to continue my team coaching certification ORSC (organization and relationship system coaching) and keep the mindset of system vs goal (I did a newsletter about that here)

T : tenacity : as I start to coach many different organization (as corporate clients, I worked with Biogen, MSD, Pfizer, Roche Idorsia but also many universities..), I need to be better prepared to face cultures that are not open to innovation (😰)

A : AI and Access&pricing : my 2 deep areas of expertise fields.I intend to write more about it, and get more projects there.

Recurring revenue: I continue my journey to develop and sell digital products. The online academy, as part of our 3 months coaching program, is the most mature example; I also have an agile in healthcare self-paced training .

R: Relax (yes a 2nd R) : as a good reminder to trust myself and have fun a the journey.

✏ Cretae and protect white spaces

Like a painter's blank canvas, a "white space" is an empty space in our agenda, in our brain, in our body.

I would at least once an afternoon per month, have no meetings, no pressure, and no goals. And I will instead read, sketch, reflect (and go to the sauna - this is my secret 😉 in winter).

You must plan your white space moment and protect them (this is not easy !! 😅).

✨ Hack

Here are 3 tips to help you have your compass and remain aligned.

✏ Anti Spend time on” list

Before defining your year's intention, ideally, you did a retrospective from last year. I also find it critical to list what I DON'T want. Do your “Anti-To-Spend time on” list: a list of values, to-do's and projects you DON'T want.

I love doing this exercise: this is so fun 😆, and will help you succeed.

Designing my “anti-values” as in my mantra "No bling bling, no blah-blah, no bullshit" on my LinkedIn description helps me hire the right freelancers for my company.

Designing my “anti-to-do” makes me realize that certain activities drain my energy. So now I focus on my zone of genius and have a team of freelancers who care for the rest.

Designing my “anti-projects” makes me think about my actual core business, my positioning, the margin, and the benefit of my company to be more focused. If one project is on this list I will refer to someone from my network.

✏ Find your word: step 1 - Brainstorming Your Yearly Intentions

You will start a creative process!

Get the right atmosphere. I love to go outside with the question I put below; of course, you can also do that on your sofa with a piece of nice music ;).

Leverage stimulus: here are questions for you:

  • How do I want to feel this year?
  • What experiences do I crave?
  • What changes – internal and external – do I want to make?
  • What can make my life more ‘delicious’?
  • What impact do I want to have on others?

Remember, it’s about discovering what resonates with you, not what makes sense for others.

Don’t just stick to words; try sketching and using metaphors or pictures.

✏ Find your word: step 2 - reduce to one word

Once you’ve explored your intentions, it’s time to distill them into a single, powerful word. This word should encapsulate your aspirations and serve you as a compass throughout the year.

Here’s how to find it:

List keywords: Reflect on the brainstorming session and list words that capture the essence of your thoughts.

Play with synonyms and languages: If you’re multilingual, leverage that! Switching between languages can spark new ideas.

Use acronyms: Create a word from the initials of several words that matter to you. For example, STARR

Remember, it’s personal: Your word doesn’t need to make sense to anyone else. It’s your private guide.

✏ Find your word: step 3 - integrate into your life

The real magic happens when you integrate it into your life. Here’s how:

Create a physical reminder: A bracelet (like I do), a word in front of your desk, the welcome message on your computer.

Choose a mantra or your word as a password (This is the most powerful tip for me) : Use it as a daily mindset booster. For a long time, I had a password: " You always have a choice". Imagine each time you need to unlock your computer, you repeat for yourself your intention!

Reflect regularly: Set aside time regularly to contemplate how you’ve embodied your intention.

Share your journey: Consider telling close friends or family about your word. They can offer support and reflection _ Like I am doing here ❤️.

Remember :

"If you don't have a plan, you become part of someone else's plan".

👉 So now your turn to set your intention. Ir would be amazing if you share it with me !

Hit reply to let me know if you liked this edition or if you tried these tips. I respond to every person who writes to me!

See you in two weeks. Keep the spark alive, and be intentional :)

Spark to Hack ✧

Hi, I'm Aurélie, a professional coach and facilitator, specialized in innovation in healthcare and sustainability. I enable team and organization leaders in healthcare to increase the speed between an ideas discovery and significant investments. I bring creativity and disciplined methods with contagious energy and a smile as well as a team and system coaching approach. I have a No BlaBla, No Bulshit, and no Blingbling values. I am a entrepreneur / working Mum aware that I only have one life, so I want to make the most of it!

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